Press & Events
Our Latest Press & Events
Jay is available for public speaking and environmental education programs. Learn about the benefits of ecological landscape design and organic horticulture.

Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association 2025 Great Lakes Trade Expo
Jay plans to present on stormwater, bioengineering, permaculture, and organic land care, with an emphasis on soil biology and regenerative design, at the 2025 Great Lakes Trade Expo.

Landscape Cod 2025
Jay will be speaking at the upcoming Landscape Cod 2025 conference.

Modern Living Symposium: Inside Outdoor Spaces
Jay returns as a speaker at the 2024 Modern Living Symposium landscape in Falmouth, MA. Jay plans to speak on the benefits of integrating ecological restoration practices, permaculture, and organic land care to improve human health and conserve natural resources to produce beautiful low maintenance, resilient landscapes that compliment modern architecture.

The Landscaper's Guide Podcast Green Jay Landscape Design's Approach to Natural Pest Control and Soil Restoration
Lora and Jay Archer sat down with Jack Jostes, CEO of Ramblin Jackson and host of The Landscaper's Guide podcast. They discuss ecological landscaping's foundation in restoration, the benefits of switching to organic horticulture, and the personal rewards that GJLD employees achieve by spending time in nature.

Ecological Landscape Alliance Westchester Eco-Meet Up
Join us for the Ecological Landscape Alliance first ever in-person Westchester Eco-Meet Up! Michael Hagan, curator of the Native Plant Garden at NYBG will be speaking on native spring ephemerals. Green Jay Landscape Design is sponsoring the event and Jay will give a brief talk with Q&A after Michael. Registration is free but required.

LandsCape Cod 2024 Conference The EcoBuild Solution: Landscapes for Better Living
Join Jay Archer for his presentation to the Cape Cod Landscape Association. Let us introduce you to the creative, innovative world of permaculture, bioengineering, soil remediation, organic horticulture and native plantscaping. Discover how to work with nature to create sustainable, enduring, living landscapes. Explore ideas, products and services to support your success in this fascinating emerging market. Get ahead of the competition, make a difference, a better life for yourself, your family and the planet.

Modern Living Symposium: Inside Outdoor Spaces Landscape Architecture Symposium Speaker | Native Plants and Ecological Landscaping: Earth Friendly Design and Resource Management

Turf Magazine Sustainable Stormwater Solutions in Home Landscapes
Jay Archer wrote an article on stormwater management strategies for Turf Magazine, featuring three GJLD project case studies. The case studies vary in size, scope and site conditions, and tackle stormwater and erosion with a range of techniques and best management practices.

Bedford 2030 Bedford 2030 Power of Trees Sponsor Northeast Organic Farming Association Annual Conference Speaker | Ecological Restoration: Healing the Waters, Caring for the Land
Jay spoke on the importance of ecological restoration and protecting biodiversity, in the context of our changing climate. He used case studies from Green Jay Landscape Design projects to illustrate how ecological restoration and ecosystem services can be achieved at the residential level. Rhode Island Nursery & Landscape Association Annual Conference Speaker | The Shape of Things to Come. Ecological Landscaping: How to Build a Successful Ecological Landscape Design, Build and Maintenance Business
This presentation to an industry trade group focused on how differentiating your business model toward ecological landscape design leads to meaningful work that allows you to stand out in a crowded landscape market.

Teatown Teatown Eaglefest Sponsor
Teatown hosted its 19th Annual Eaglefest to celebrate the bald eagle migration with educational booths, live bird spotting, games and more. Green Jay Landscape Design was a sponsor of the event.

Aspetuck Land Trust Aspetuck Land Trust Lunch & Learn Speaker | Healing the Waters, Caring for the Land: How Ecological Landscape Design, Organic Horticulture and Land Stewardship Can Improve our Human Health and Save the Planet.
Jay conducted an online Lunch & Learn presentation for Aspetuck Land Trust Members. He focused on how residential properties can be stewarded to protect biodiversity, soil, and water, and improve our human health and quality of life at the same time.

REED Regional Environmental Educators Day (REED) Speaker | Reading the Landscape, The Shape of Things to Come
Jay joined a contingent of environmental educators sharing their experience in the field. He spoke about the current state of conservation, and how we can do better to actively manage landscapes for ecological restoration, instead of following the traditional “hands off” approach.

ELA Ecological Landscape Alliance Eco-Tour Garden Host
GJLD hosted Ecological Landscape Alliance (ELA) members for a fall garden tour, designed by Jay Archer. The garden features four zones: 1) the Eco-Hybrid Front Landscape 2) Rewilidng Zone 3) Transitional Zone 4) Disturbed Wetland.

Bedford 2030 Bedford 2030 Healthy Yards & Pollinator Pathways Garden Tour Garden Host
GJLD hosted a garden tour for a Bedford 2030 Healthy Yards and Westchester Pollinator Pathways combined event that showcased local gardens designed and maintained as organic pollinator habitats.

The Examiner News Restoring Biodiversity, One Yard at a Time
A look at the environmental impact of traditional landscaping techniques and their eco-friendly alternatives in a county renowned for its lawns and green space.

Conservation Commission Greenwich Conservation Commission Speaker | A Voice for Nature: Healing the Waters, Caring for the Land Through Landscape Design
Jay spoke on the potential of the individual property owners to impact great positive change on the local environment. Using Green Jay Landscape Design projects as examples, he covered topics including habitat design, erosion control, soil conservation, stormwater management, and invasive species control.

The Native Plant Center at WCC Westchester Community College The Native Plant Center Speaker | Impactful Design with Natural Landscaping and Sustainable Stewardship
Jay spoke to The Native Plant Center members about native landscape design, using Green Jay Landscape Design projects as case studies. He shared his favorite native plants for different sites, and techniques for difficult installations.

Houzz 15 Ways to Manage Excess Stormwater in Your Landscape
Plants need water to survive, but sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. Too much water can lead to standing pools, overly wet lawns and garden beds, and even compacted soil that no longer has enough oxygen pores to support plant life. Whether you’re dealing with periodic flooding or a naturally wet microclimate, these ideas will help your natural rainfall be an asset rather than a liability.

Clearwater Festival Clearwater Festival Green Living Expo Exhibitor
The Clearwater Festival is an annual summer arts and music festival that began over forty years ago as a fundraiser to clean up the Hudson River. Green Jay Landscape Design joined the Green Living Expo as an exhibitor.