Realizing a Site’s Potential. Each landscape offers distinct opportunities and challenges. Like snowflakes, not two client’s or properties are quite the same. Although similarities may present, there are always significant differences characteristic to the individual site and client. As a landscape design professional, horticulturist, naturalist and ecologist, I am interested in the unusual or distinct aspects of a particular project …
With more frequent storms and greater volumes of rainfall/storm water, we need to consider how that impacts our properties and effects landscape design as well as maintaining our existing and future drainage systems. Wherever, whenever we can we design and employ bioengineering techniques. This may be as simple as bioswales and rain gardens or more advanced and complicated systems such …
Closing one door and opening another! We love the challenges presented by new construction. In this case, a beautiful addition to the rear of our client’s lovely home in Mamaroneck required extensive conventional engineering and drainage construction. With all the rainfall this year we have to ask…where do we put the water? When designing storm water systems, we must consider …
To insure that we get the most out of our landscape environment in terms of enjoyment and preserving our continued investment in our properties appearance and value, I suggest making a list of tasks you can perform which prepare your landscape for winter. 1) Water If you have new plantings, you may have to continue to water until the ground …
This has been the longest, hottest, driest summer on record! That’s saying a lot! We are going into the third month of ninety degree temps without a drop of rain! We should remember last winters lack of snow fall started off in a deficit of rainfall. In the last two weeks things have taken a turn for the worst in …