March 4, 2019

How Important are Trees to our Landscapes, Property Values and Human Health?

Imagine a world without our beautiful trees! One of the huge natural advantages of living in Westchester or Fairfield counties is the tree dominant landscape. Our communities are not only rich in green spaces with forest matrix and secondary remnant forests but an abundance and variety of street trees. Our landscaped properties have an even more diverse collection of flowering and 

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February 4, 2019

When is the Best Time to Prune Your Overgrown Flowering Tree?

We make it a practice to evaluate every feature of the landscape during the initial consultation. We look at the property as if our family owned it and lived there! We are interested in evaluating and analyzing every view, every tree and plant, drainage and flow paths; what we can see and even what we can’t. In this case, our 

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January 24, 2019

Drainage Solutions, Simple Storm Water Management and Landscape Engineering

Look at how water flows over, through and into your property and landscape.  This observation is especially valuable during storm events. Consider the source: uphill, adjacent property, etc.. Sometimes even when we have substantial drainage systems, we need to reevaluate the function of drainage due to changes in the landscape environment. This may be caused by changes in the hydrology 

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December 5, 2017

Where Design Meets Ecology

You may have seen us use the hashtag #WhereDesignMeetsEcology recently on our social media posts (and if you’re not following us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, you should be!) We’d like to take a moment to explain what exactly we mean, what sets us apart, and why you should care. First, some context: for the past fifty years standard landscaping 

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August 3, 2017

Organic Lawn Care

Don’t wait for your dog to get sick! Realize your dog does not read the warning signs, does not stay off the lawn for 24 hours (like that makes all the difference !). Your pets are first at risk followed by…you guessed it…your precious children. If you think you need toxic chemicals to have a green lawn…guess again ! If 

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