Take a video tour of our first install of 2019! After a grand back deck addition, this client needed a landscape that could match her home’s party-hosting potential. After an ititial inventory of the necessary site development — large tree pruning, dry wells burried too deep — we created a digital master plan for the back yard. The front yard …
All landscapes are considered ‘disturbed’ compared to a natural environment. Some more than others. The challenge is to reverse the eutrophication process in this man-made Earth pond with a half-moon dam. This shallow, half-acre pond was constructed in the mid-19th century by damming the outlet with a poured concrete wall and spillway which discharged into a brook which was buried and …
This adorable property features a stream babbling through the backyard. At one point, probably in the 1930s, a concrete dam was poured to create a “natural” swimming pond that until now, held up fairly well, but had recently begun leaking in several spots. Given the woodland setting, the pond had also accumulated quite a bit of debris from surrounding trees, which clouded …
We received a call earlier this spring from a New Canaan pondowner with a morbid situation. The homeowner was instructed to apply various purportedly natural-source pond cleaning products into the small constructed pond on the property. This pond cleaner cocktail created some unknown reaction, and within thirty minutes, all the fish were belly up. GJL was hired to restore the …
A recently was called to service a large ornamental water garden with a large pond and waterfall. This is a classic example of the value of proper service, including spring start up and monthly maintenance. The photo is a fish, Koi, which was sucked into an exposed pump intake. The filters and pumps were cleaned and biologicals were added to …