We need to consider the real world we live in. This means that in the northeast we are entering our fourth record wet year. The extraordinary height of the water table in southern Westchester County is simply unprecedented. This has resulted in storm water and drainage problems where there historically were none. Before we engineer new solutions and plant plants …
You probably saw the headlines a few weeks ago on the latest UN IPCC Climate Report. It was dire. It stated that we are unequivocally on pace to reach and exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming in the next twenty years. This new reality will affect every single resident of planet Earth as sea levels rise, lands flood and droughts persist. We …
Will increased rainfall, more frequent and severe storms wash our sins away? Mother nature has a way, a process for correcting and restoring the natural balance of resources in our landscape environment. Consider the positive aspects of stormwater including flooding: recharging groundwater, hydrating and nourishing trees and plants, flushing contaminates such as gas, oil, pesticide residue, particulate deposits etc. from ground …