A familiar, common reoccurring problem in pond and lake management is nutrient loading causing duckweed or algae blooms. The best solution or remedy for these problems usually lays in the overall land management practices. If fertilizer and pesticides are running directly into a water body we identify this as point source pollution, a primary cause of the duckweed or algae. …
This pond was thick with debris from the surrounding woodland and had lost its original luster as a swimming pond in the 1940s! GJL suction-harvested the debris, with help from Cooper Ponds. Some of the organic matter and stone found on-site were used to create a planting bed adjacent to the pond, easing the transition from land the water. Stepping …
All landscapes are considered ‘disturbed’ compared to a natural environment. Some more than others. The challenge is to reverse the eutrophication process in this man-made Earth pond with a half-moon dam. This shallow, half-acre pond was constructed in the mid-19th century by damming the outlet with a poured concrete wall and spillway which discharged into a brook which was buried and …
This adorable property features a stream babbling through the backyard. At one point, probably in the 1930s, a concrete dam was poured to create a “natural” swimming pond that until now, held up fairly well, but had recently begun leaking in several spots. Given the woodland setting, the pond had also accumulated quite a bit of debris from surrounding trees, which clouded …