What Business is Ours? Landscapes for Better Living What do we do? Why do we do it? How do we do it? We are in the nature business. We work with nature every day, with plants, soil, water, and countless creatures. We believe nature is an expression of God’s love. We need to appreciate it, love it and value our precious natural resources: the trees, the flowers, the fields and yes, even the lawns of our landscape environments. How do we do it? We nurture our faith and respect for the land by healing the waters and caring for the land. We accomplish this goal every day by first…Do No Harm. We tirelessly strive to increase the biology of our landscapes by encouraging life…not killing and destroying it! We practice humility and acknowledge there is no way for us to know what lifeforms to remove from our landscape ecosystems without upsetting the natural balance. All our landscape systems are challenged and in need of balance. We firmly believe subtraction is usually not the answer. Improving the biological health of our landscapes is our proven winner. By restoring and regenerating the productivity of our naturally beautiful landscape ecosystems, we create and support living landscapes that contribute, conserve, preserve and protect resources. That includes financial resources. Reducing waste by better management means repurpose, recycle and redirect resources for the best productivity and result. We do this by not looking for a pill, a product, or a switch to pull to effect positive change. Instead we look holistically at the landscape as a patient in pain. We strive to correct the ills, the symptoms, which plague the body of the landscape. Using science, art and intuition we develop plans and protocols which may involve cultural practices, design, construction, bioengineering, organic horticulture, permaculture methods, marriage counseling and any therapeutic means necessary that apply to insure our landscapes deliver a pure, wholesome environment for all living things. Jay Archer President, Landscape Ecologist 914-560-6570