Eco-Conscious Landscape Architecture Can Transform Your Property in Westchester County, NY When you crave real beauty, a manicured lawn simply won’t do the trick. Only by cultivating a sustainable landscape, in which wildlife can flourish, can you enjoy all that nature has to offer right outside your door. At Green Jay Landscape Design, we offer eco-conscious landscape architecture and installation solutions for homeowners throughout Westchester County, NY. Our services make it possible to nurture and maintain an ecological landscape that speaks to the senses and protects the natural environment. With our help, you can enjoy an enhanced quality of life while living in surroundings that inspire you. Custom Landscape Architecture Solutions At Green Jay Landscape Design, we craft custom landscape designs that enable our clients to reconnect with their natural environment in a sustainable manner. Because beauty is such a personal thing, we take our clients’ visions to heart and make their creativity an integral part of the design process. Our Design Experts are here to provide suggestions and any information you need to decide on the best plan for your landscape. Our landscape architecture solutions include: An initial discovery meeting to explore your goals and explain our services. A thorough site observation to better understand the local ecosystem and take on-site measurements. A comprehensive design proposal that provides a detailed understanding of what the finished product will look like, even down to the color palette. In-house installation of every last element, from plants to pavers, guided by experts in horticulture and masonry. An eco-conscious approach that ensures sustainable techniques are used to provide results that are in harmony with the planet. Making Your Yard a Masterpiece We would love to give you more information about our ecological landscape architecture solutions for the Westchester County, NY area. Reach out to the team at Green Jay Landscape Design today to take the first step towards making your yard a work of art.