GJLD’s BEST Landscape Design & Construction Projects of 2024 | Westchester, NY, Fairfield County, CT & Essex County, NJ

Reflecting on 2024, we see a year of growth and expansion for our boutique landscape design & build firm. In 2024, we added new field crew members, office staff and design staff to our team. We continue to attract like-minded clients, who understand the impact their land can have on our environment and chose to steward it responsibly, planting native plants and returning ecological function to the landscape. This past year challenged us in new ways, working on more complex slope, erosion and stormwater projects, as well as expanding into new offerings like natural play areas for children.  We completed more projects than any previous year, brought in more revenue, and planted over 8,000 (mostly) native plants! As we evaluated each of our 2024 projects, we couldn’t help but feel immense pride for the work we’ve done, with every project leaving us more knowledgeable and insightful than the last. Our top five best landscape design projects of 2024 represent our most unique, creative, designs that required immense skill and craftsmanship to build. Please enjoy our best landscape design projects of the 2024! Feeling inspired? Contact us to discuss your landscape design project today.

GJLD’s top five landscape design projects of the year.

#5 Nature’s Cradle

Restoring Functionality & Reducing Erosion on a Steep Slope | Dobbs Ferry, NY

Jay tours the woodland trail atop the newly renovated slope.

One of the more complex slope projects of the year! This build required a multitude of erosion control devices, plus some heavy machinery to move the stone steps up the hillside.

In process: crafting a safe, family friendly outdoor staircase to navigate the slope.

The result is a family-friendly backyard where the hillside becomes a destination, navigable by steps and a woodland trail sure to delight their young children. Read about the project in the case study blog.

Boulder scramble and play tunnel as seen from the new garden.

#4 Growing Up in a World of Wonder

Nature Play at Home: Designing a World of Wonder for Children | Montclair, NJ

One of our most unique projects to date! We designed six play features made completely of natural materials, to inspire outdoor play and connection to nature!

Natural play features including a timber tower of logs, balance beams, and a vegetated tunnel.

The entire play area is also part of a stormwater management system, including a faux stream bioswale to collect and direct water. A new adult entertaining patio extends outdoor living and makes supervising the new play area easy. We used every area of our expertise on this project and expanded in new creative ways…what a treat! Read the full story and watch a video tour on our case study blog post.

Gazebo habitat garden featuring 1,300 native plants!

#3 Heavenly Hilltop, At the Meeting of the Waters

Hilltop Edge Habitat Fit for a Public Garden | Redding, CT

Our largest planting project of the year, this design is fit for a public garden! We were hired to create a garden around an existing custom gazebo. A long border of woodland also received a native underplanting. The two new gardens together form an extension of the woodland edge habitat, helping to link from one ecosystem to another, critical for bird and wildlife migration. Read more about the design and installation logistics of this unique Fairfield County property on our blog.

Careful selection of plants allows to optimize biodiversity while maintaining visual continuity.

#2 Modern Living on the Waterfront of the Wild World

Contemporary Front Yard Landscaping, Screening & Pond Management | Dobbs Ferry, NY

A complete renovation of this Dobbs Ferry home called for an equally contemporary front yard landscape. We designed a modern, biodiverse planting that manages stormwater on site.

Matrix planting along the front walk favors grasses and spreading shrubs for visual consistency.

We also designed vegetative pocket gardens around the pond to intercept nutrient runoff. Screening on the back hillside was essential, and the planting also stabilizes the slope and reduces erosion. Read about the project on our blog.

Wide lawn paths allow appreciation of each garden terrace.

#1 New Frontier of Place-Based Design

A Native Plant and Pollinator Paradise Transforms Front Yard Steep Slopes

This property is a great example of landscape phasing, editing and defying conventions. What started out as foundation plantings and rebuilding a front walkway escalated over several seasons to a tremendous front yard garden consisting of three terrace-like beds interspersed with lawn pathways.

Severly Sloped Lawn transformed into Garden Terraces
Severely Sloped Lawn transformed into Garden Terraces

The next season the client decided that stairs through the slope would make the landscape much more accessible and easier to appreciate. Constructing the staircases allowed us to edit the planting, after seeing a season of growth and free-will mixing. We relocated some plants to make them more legible, and removed others entirely that were extending themselves too much. For more photos and information on our BEST project of 2024, check our full case study blog.

Do you have big dreams for improving your landscape? We are now accepting design clients for 2025, contact us to get started!

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