Bringing Nature Home Where the Coyotes Run A Little Piece of Heaven

We propose to dramatically and dynamically improve and enhance your existing landscape. The goal and projected as well as desired outcome for your finished landscape planting will be to provide strategic screening, while establishing habitat and shelter for greater variety and diversity of species (i.e. song birds, butterflies, moths, caterpillars, etc.). All plants were selected for their hardiness, light preference, drought tolerance and deer resistance.

Features of your landscape will include an evergreen tree and shrub border along the left rear quadrant (qua). In the essential philosophy of Feng Shui, this will protect you and eliminate your exposure to your neighbor’s unsightly corner of the property. As with all new plant selections, a combination of evergreen, deciduous and flowering shrubs will provide year round interest.

The front foundation will be transformed by transplanting the existing evergreens to screen the road. The entire lawn/grass area on the left of the driveway will be removed and replaced with flowering perennials and groundcovers. The wild grass and flower garden will be a powerful focal element to increase your curb appeal. Flowering ornamental grasses and colorful perennials will accent the landscape effect. This will be a beautiful addition to your home’s natural beautiful setting, which I will always think in my mind’s eye of the coyote passing.

We will establish a stand or grouping of native viburnums, which will create an interrupted screen between your windows and the road while not entirely obscuring the view of the road, it will certainly alleviate any direct line of sight while creating a more comfortable, intimate feeling from your view inside the house.

We will also remove approximately half of the existing Pachysandra bed to be replaced with grass.