Secret Garden of Celestial Happiness – Rye NY This work in progress features many unique constructions and technologies. We started with eliminating the lawn. Below: BEFORE photo, beginning dethaching process. This allowed for a predominantly native planting, a water feature was added including a bog and aquatic plants. Bordering a wetland, we maximized the natural advantages of the property and invited the wildlife in. By substantially increasing the biodiversity of species, we were able to more effectively and efficiently manage the property organically, naturally and sustainably. A rain garden with passive irrigation was installed. The Market Deck Garden features a ‘Tower Garden’ prodigiously producing produce for the kitchen including cucumbers, lettuce, basil and cherry tomatoes while perennials and annual flowers attract beneficial insects. This attractive container garden consists of Meyers lemons, parsley, Thai basil and peppers. New technologies in addition to the ‘Tower garden’ include ‘Wooly Pockets’ and ‘Window Farms’ for vertical gardens. Jay Archer, President 914-560-6570