Spring Cleaning – Green, Safe and Healthy Landscape Ideas – Newtown CT When we think about how far we have fallen behind in our housekeeping, we should consider what awaits us in our landscape, gardens, patios, walks, driveways, lawns and backyards. Where do we begin? First I suggest, start with the big ugly. That would be the areas you don’t see or habitually ignore (speaking for myself). I’m talking about the attic, crawl space, utility room etc. These are neglected spaces which potentially collect dirt, dust, mildew, mold and other unhealthy stuff. Do you have unshielded fiberglass insulation in your attic, unfinished basement or crawlspace. This material could become airborne and circulate throughout your air ducts. Whatever is lurking in the nooks and crannies of your home is part of the closed circulatory system of your home, affecting the quality of the air you breath. Clean, healthy air is more essential to life that food and water. Now is a good time to make changes and improvements which you can benefit from in both the short and long term for your health, your family, your children etc. Use a flashlight or whatever you need to examine the dark recesses of your home in order to identify potential issues and problems. This way you will be better equipped to communicate your concerns to outside parties/contractors. When you are satisfied that your interior/indoor living space is safe, healthy and clean you can look to the outdoor living spaces. Once again start with the big ugly. That would be the driveway, walkways, patios, decks etc. Did you or your contractor use sand and salt, ice melt etc.? Do you have obvious damage to your hardscape surfaces, masonry or planting? Take a look now! What is the plan? Most of the plant damage may recover with proper care (i.e.pruning, feeding, etc.). You may want to prioritize plants to replace in high visibility areas, or unsightly things which will made you less than happy. Your landscape is an investment just as the interior of your home. It is a valuable part of your property. You should always feel good about coming home to see your landscape and property. Spring is a critical time to take stock of what you like and don’t like. Things don’t usually improve all by themselves. Make an investment in the health and appearance of your home and landscape today and enjoy and appreciate it each and every day! Live the life you Love, Jay Archer, President 914-560-6570 jay@greenjaylandscapedesign.com