Pollinator Pathways is spreading with incredibly encouraging speed and enthusiasm throughout New England. The organization’s mission is to promote pollinator-friendly landscapes throughout geographic areas, to help connect habitats and bridge the gap of development and habitat destruction. Connecticut is leading the way with many local divisions in Fairfield County, especially in Darien, CT. Through these grassroots efforts, we’ve been able to connect with new, like-minded clients …
Your permaculture terrace garden landscape will serve as an invitation to life…for all living beings great and small…plant, animal and mineral. The natural beauty and mystery of life, manifest in its many glorious forms and permutations, will inhabit your biosphere. From the primal source of rich organic and mineral matter complete with fungi and bacteria as well as all the …
Collaboration divides the tasks and multiplies the successes. The saying certainly rings true for this three-way collaboration project between Green Jay Landscape Design, Wilder Designs, and Rock Shelter, featuring native gardens, an organic lawn installation, hardscape and carpentry work. The landscape design and construction project in Larchmont, NY was designed by Nantucket-based Rita Higgins of Wilder Designs. Rita’s ecologically-based company produces stunning natural …
This organic meadow is now in its fourth year. Before our change in management practices, this field was a manicured lawn, one of many on the North Salem estate. Jay and the client agreed the area, as a lawn, was squandered potential and decided to convert it to a meadow simply by stopping the weekly mowing practices. Site Conditions for Meadow …
This is Part Two in our series Where Have All the Birds, Bees and Butterflies Gone? Catch up on Part One where we discuss the staggering population losses in recent history and the main causes – urbanization, habitat destruction, and exposure to toxic pesticides. Below we’ve compiled our tips for creating bird habitat for native and migrating birds as well …