September 9, 2016

Lawn Repair and Renovation in Westchester; Power Raking, Detaching, Seeding and Aeration

This has been the longest, hottest, driest summer on record! That’s saying a lot! We are going into the third month of ninety degree temps without a drop of rain! We should remember last winters lack of snow fall started off in a deficit of rainfall. In the last two weeks things have taken a turn for the worst in 

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August 31, 2016

Fall is the Time for Lawn Renovation! Seeding, Aerating, Dethatching and More

It’s been a long, hot, dry summer…and it’s not over! Our lawns are made up of cool season grasses. That means they do best during cool and moderate temperature seasons. That does not describe this summers weather pattern! Aside from the fact that this has been one of the driest summers on record, it has also been one of the 

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